We had a wonderful afternoon, last Saturday, performing our farewell concert with our MD of eight years Marc Yarrow. There were quite a few leaking eyes by the end of it.
Marc has been inspirational MD, showing so much enthusiasm, commitment and energy, that he left some of us quite exhausted on occasions 😉. Thursday night rehearsals were quite remarkable and probably unique, with Marc fizzing with energy, cracking jokes, but still demanding the correct notes in the right order.
There have been many notable performances along the way, the Cherubini Requiem, Karl Jenkins – The Armed Man (with Crawley Millennium Concert Band) and most recently the Brahms Requiem. However, it will probably be Holst There Was a Tree, which will bring smiles to our faces when we hear it and think of him.
Thank you Marc for the memories, the fun and of course, the choral training.
“May the road rise to meet you, may the wind be ever at your back, may the sun shine warm upon your face … until we meet again”