Audio files to practice your part of the music. Click the play button for each audio track to rehearse. Your voice part will be enhanced, and you will hear other voice parts in the background to help you.
Voice Type: Alto

Here you’ll find rehearsals and articles for alto singers. The musical term alto, meaning “high” in Italian, is sung in choruses by either low women’s or high men’s voices. Also known as contralto and male alto or countertenor, it is lower than soprano. If you can sing alto and would like to join our choir, click here.
Rehearse In Flanders Fields – Altos
Click the play button for each audio track to rehearse. Your voice part will be enhanced, and you will hear other voice parts in the background to help you.
Rehearse The Armed Man – Altos
The Armed Man, subtitled “A Mass for Peace” is an anti-war piece based on the Catholic Mass, which Jenkins combines with other sources. Click on the play button to rehearse each element. Your voice part will be enhanced, and you will hear other voice parts in the background to help you.